Talent Recruitment

Talent Concept


The core competence and quality of Fuji employees are the basic requirements of Fuji people; leaders have excellent leadership and management skills, which meet the requirements of Fuji leadership; professionals have industry-leading professions and technologies, and meet the professional competence requirements of the post.

Willing to invest: 

I love what I am doing and make my work a hobby and fun; never give up, be optimistic, face the difficulties and challenges in the work with a positive attitude and continue to learn; pursue progress and be passionate about new technologies and new things.

Dare to take responsibility: 

Dare to assume responsibility, be able to assume responsibility, and not shirk responsibility; dare to fight, dare to innovate, dare to innovate; take the responsibility of the team together, unite and fight together, not alone.

Loyal to the business: 

First, we should be careful, second, we should not be selfish; we should treat the enterprise sincerely, but also try our best; we should closely link the self-development with the development of the enterprise, be honest and self disciplined, be responsible for the enterprise, and be responsible for ourselves.