Investment 2 billion, Fuji group new project settled in Shihezi Development Zone
source:Company news | author:Information Department | Release time:2021-03-10 13:51:15 | 915 Browse: | 分享到:
Fuji group nitrile glove project settled in Shihezi Development Zone

    On March 10, new members were added to the pharmaceutical industry of Shihezi Economic and Technological Development Zone. Fuji group (Xinjiang) Investment Holding Co., Ltd. signed a contract with Shihezi Development Zone to invest 2 billion yuan to build an annual production line of 20 billion nitrile gloves.
    Fuji group (Xinjiang) Investment Holding Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fuji group (Hong Kong) Industrial Holding Co., Ltd. The parent company is mainly responsible for Fuji Elevator's business in Asia and overseas market development. After 25 years of diversified development, Fuji group has achieved great success in many industries, with an annual revenue of more than $34 billion in fy2019.

    Fuji group (Xinjiang) Investment Holding Co., Ltd. was registered in Shihezi Development Zone in September 2018, mainly engaged in trade development and industrial investment, three rural investment and project investment.

    Lu Zhiquan, deputy general manager of the company, said that the company's trade orders are mainly from foreign markets. Among them, nitrile gloves are in great demand, often out of stock, and there is no supply.

    Nitrile gloves are protective gloves made of nitrile rubber. They have good chemical resistance, good physical performance, antistatic performance and comfortable style. They are widely used in electronic factory, medical examination, food industry, housework, chemical industry, aquaculture, glass products and scientific research and other industries. Seeing the broad market prospect, the company quickly decided to launch the nitrile glove project. The total investment of the signed project is 2 billion yuan. Among them: the first phase invested 200 million yuan to build 10 full-automatic production lines of nitrile gloves, with an annual output of 2 billion nitrile gloves. After all the projects are completed, the output value will be no less than 6 billion yuan, the number of employed people will be no less than 500, and the tax revenue will be about 200 million yuan. It is understood that the nitrile gloves produced by the project are mainly oriented to the overseas market, which helps to promote the construction of foreign trade economic form in the development zone. At the same time, the implementation of the project plays a positive role in promoting the development of medical devices and foreign trade industry in Shishi City.

    Hou Guojun, member of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee and deputy head of the eighth division, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Development Zone, said that he fully supported the project construction. In the process of construction, relevant departments should follow up the whole process, find a way out of the mountain and bridge with water, solve all problems, and ensure that the project is completed and put into operation on schedule. (Zhao Haizhong, Dong Shengxiang)